速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Alcotester Breathalyzer

Alcotester Breathalyzer



檔案大小:884.7 KB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。

支援語言:瑞典文, 英語

Alcotester Breathalyzer(圖1)-速報App

Use this app anytime you are consuming alcohol and want an estimate of your BAC (Blood Alcohol Content).

This app will help you monitor your adult beverage intake and give you a general idea on how it is affecting your body. It will provide an estimated blood alcohol content based on your alcoholic intake and physical characteristics. It will also do an approximation for how long it could take you to sober up.

How to use:

1. Fill in your profile (weight and sex)

2. When you drink something add type (cl and % alcohol)

3. Watch the realtime display

Alcotester Breathalyzer(圖2)-速報App


- Notifications when you reach zero alcohol in your blood (App can even be turned off).

- Data is saved, so if you restart your application your data is still there.

- Designed for iOS7 and later

Warning! Don't drink and drive, if you're drinking avoid driving. Don't use this application to see if you can drive or not. If you can't get a sober driver.

Just because you don't have any alcohol in your blood doesn't make you a good driver. You capacity even when reached zero is down by 20% percent the first day.

Alcotester Breathalyzer(圖3)-速報App

This app is intended for entertainment purposes only and does not provide true blood alcohol calculator functionality.
